Monday, December 31, 2007


This is the last post for the year 2007. I take this moment to say there have been some significant moments of both good and troubling. One of the better moments is that I have started this blog and have kept at it with some reasonable consistency. It has been a very interesting learning experience as I wrote my thoughts and had the ability to add images and videos. As I look back in my personal history, I have been journaling at one time or another since 1976. I can easily say I have decades of experience with journaling. Blogging is merely the latest form I can add to my experience. My experience with blogging has resulted in my starting a second blog about my 10 day experience of my travel to the Philippines to see Merly; which leads me to my next happy moment of the year.What I consider as the most significant moment is my travel to the Philippines to see the most beautiful lady in my life. In all my life; in all my attempts to have a relationship, meeting Merlywinda Machete has been the absolute best encounter of my life. I went to see her on the last week of October-first week of November. Even at this time, I can still freshly recall the travel and my 10 days with her. Physically meeting her was breathtaking enough; but, when her parents gave permission for me to take her hand in marriage was the very best moment it my entire life. Never have I loved anyone as totally as I do to Merly. I say to her everyday both in text messages and chat sessions how much I so love her. I have no regrets at all of choosing her to share my life with. Every day I see her, I am reminded how much I am both blessed and grateful to belong to her.
A bittersweet moment of significance is in regards to my cousin Bob. For the last 10 years, I have been his care aide. I am responsible for taking care of Bob's daily needs. I have been doing this task gladly because I distinctly remember talking to his mother (my aunt Lillie) to take care of him while she and the others of the family took a weekend respite. That was the last time I saw her alive because she died of an aneurysm. The signficance of this year is that Bob was in need of a new wheelchair. The process was long and trying at times because of dealing with different health and social rehab agencies. After 4-5 months of jumping through beurocratic hoops, Bob was able to get his new wheelchair this afternoon. The chair is much more advanced and better than his previous chair. As Merly said it is a blessing and I totally agree. In a semi related topic, one of the sad moments of the year was that Bob's father, Robert, reported me to Adult Protective Services with accusations of neglect of Bob's care. I was actually investigated and cleared of the charges. Because of the accusation and Robert's unstable, ungrateful mental capacity, he is no longer allowed in the house to visit Bob. Other visitation methods are at the ready such as meeting at the mall; but, Robert will never ever be allowed in the home. That is what I think is so sad.
Another moment I consider of good noteworthiness is I established my own business. It is an internet based import-export trading type of business. I can simply explain it as Company A is in need of "Z" amount of widgets. I search the internet for a supplier of the widgets for Company A then establish a trading solution. Im still at the ground level of operations in that I had a series of delays to get fully going. Prayerfully, 2008 will be the year of prosperity that the business goes fully operational.
So in quiet conclusion, I look forward to 2008. I expect the business to be fully active, I will petition to get Merly to the United States as a legal immigrant and marry her, and I will continue to take care of Bob as best as I am able and to also blog as I want.
Thank you God for blessing me allowing me to live through 2007 and I ask that you continue to bless me with the prosperity and bounty more than I can possibly contain.
This is what I ask and accept as according to Your Word as it is written, in Jesus's name I pray,

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